English Articles - سبتمبر 4, 2018



This writing is about knowledge. The prophet (S.W.A) says  “العلم كالشجر والعمل كالثمر” knowledge is like a tree and work is like a fruit. We know the trees are perhing and the knowledge is also fading away i.e. Islamic knowledge. If we think we can find four aspects.

  1. Tree with fruit (knowledge with work)
  2. Tree without fruit (knowledge without work)
  3. No tree and No fruit (without both)
  4. Fruit without tree (work without knowledge)

The last one is improbable because there is no fruit without tree in the world. Like that real work also doesn’t happen without knowledge. One scholar is better than thousand illiterate. That is what the poet said:

فإن فقيها واحدا متورعا              أشد على الشيطان من ألف عابد

A keen scholar is hast than thousand worshippers. One real tree is better than thousand sponge trees because people need only trees with fruits. So the scholar and the fool are not equal. Allah said in holy Qur’an

قل هل يستوي الذين يعلمون والذين لا يعلمون

This is like a forest and a desert, if we go to a forest we get fresh breath like the comfort from a real scholar. And if we go to a desert we feel restless of the hotness like the ignorance of a fool. Knowledge is amazingly wonderful. We can easily classify between a scholar and an illiterate from their attitude. So seeking and acquiring knowledge is always beneficial.

‫شاهد أيضًا‬

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